Today's poem
I didn’t know such a history in Great Britain - the history of the Romani people. I knew and met only the Romani people who lived in Spain, Portugal, and Hungary. Some of them were great musicians, e.g., Django Reinhardt.
And although completely forgot it, there is a book The Traveller-Gypsies by Judith Okely on my family’s bookshelf and I recall I read it a long time ago when I met them in Europe.
After that, a poetry collection FURY by David Morley was presented to me two years ago. His collection contains poems on the Romani people.
I didn’t know such a history in Great Britain - the history of the Romani people. I knew and met only the Romani people who lived in Spain, Portugal, and Hungary. Some of them were great musicians, e.g., Django Reinhardt.
And although completely forgot it, there is a book The Traveller-Gypsies by Judith Okely on my family’s bookshelf and I recall I read it a long time ago when I met them in Europe.
After that, a poetry collection FURY by David Morley was presented to me two years ago. His collection contains poems on the Romani people.
Now Sanka (サンカ) people as wanderers in Japan come up in my mind. Unfortunately, they could be no longer living. Even now it is shadow of Japan's history.
Here, I would like to introduce the poet Raine Geoghegan’s poem 'Under a Gooseberry Bush'. When I joined a poetry workshop in the UK, a British poet talked about her. The poem includes Romany vocabulary and tells a tale about her grandfather in Kent, the UK. You can enjoy her verse and photos of the Romani people. Please read and see 'Under a Gooseberry Bush' by Raine Geoghegan.