Today's poem

FIND! Well, how I met the poem - I have no memory. But what I remember is only a huge surprise (「これは、すごい」) around 2012 or 2013 and I thought Hannah Sanghee Park was a gifted poet. It seems for me that, e.g., the poem 'X, O' is a mathematical formula, i.e., an equation (I want to try to make a poem using the latest mathematics or quantum mechanics). Soon I purchased her debut collection the same different with rich experimentality. The first section in the book has a unique arrangement of poems filled with cool lyricism, chasing similar sounds in each stanza. Meanwhile, the second section is a sequence of sonnets full of fine devices. Her writing continuously has stimulated my creativity so much. Moreover, I love a double-Dactyl poem 'Bible Lesson' that is not collected in the book.

Hannah Sanghee Park

Please click and read her poems:
'X, O' ...    (equation)
'X O'   ...   (matrix)
'Bible Lesson' ... p. 74 in LVNG 13